Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Causes of Kidney Stones Symptoms

If you've had kidney stones symptoms, you will never forget this experience, because it feels very painful. Furthermore, kidney stones symptoms (renal Lithia sis) are a disease that has been suffered by humans for thousands of years.

Researchers have evidence that they found traces of kidney stones in mummified (the bodies are preserved), which has 7,000 years old. Today, millions of people worldwide suffer from this disease every year, and their number continues to grow. Your risk of kidney stones throughout life is 10 percent, as published by the Mayo Foundation for Medical Education and Research.

Kidney stones often occur when urine, for some reason, a solid form. This is due to minerals and other substances in urine form crystals on the surface of the kidney. If sustained, these crystals combine to form rock. Signs and symptoms of kidney stones will arise if new symptoms of kidney stones in large sizes or start clogging the urine or infected. Symptoms that often arise are abdominal pain that fluctuates in intensity between 5 to 15 minutes. This pain usually starts in your back or waist. When the rock fell into the bladder, the pain will spread to the groin. If the stone stops moving, stops the pain involved.

Other signs and symptoms of kidney stones include:
  • There is bleeding in urine, cloudy or foul smelling
  • Nausea and vomiting
  • Too often want to piss
  • A fever if the infection has occurred
The cause of your kidney consists of two organs, respectively fist, located in the lower abdomen, on both sides of the spine.


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